Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Rapture @ the Guvernment

(Not to be confused with the Finnish metal band or the raising up of Christians to heaven. Although either would’ve been a good show.)

Remember when I said that Ladytron had been loud? Turns out it wasn’t Ladytron; it was the Guvernment's sound system. The Rapture may not have made my head feel like it was about to explode, but this is the first time my ears rang after a concert.

It was the kind of show I like, though, and the kind that I haven’t seen in a while: a band of which I knew nothing. I’d heard the name before -- which means they’ve gotten some buzz on the internet -- and that was enough for me to accept an invitation to see them. The unfortunate thing about last night, however, was that opening band The Presets cancelled. I’d been looking forward to checking out two bands I knew nothing about.

The other downside to having the opener cancel was that the Rapture’s set felt very short. Although it’s possible that I was dancing so manically that I didn’t notice time flying by. Imagine if Wolfmother put out a dance album: electronic disco beats on the bottom, psychedelic rock guitar and vocals on top, and generous saxophone and cowbell usage. I was impressed that for a band I knew nothing about, the packed audience recognized all their songs and cheered every time the frontmen raised their arms (a trick I’ve only ever seen Bono pull off).

I won’t be rushing out and buying Pieces of the People We Love; trippy rock noodling doesn’t do it for me. But it was a fun, high-energy show and I don’t mind at all that my ears feel like they’re stuffed with cotton this morning.

The Rapture website
The Rapture on MySpace

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