Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ladytron@the Guvernment

...was loud. Wow, were they loud. And overwhelming, aurally and visually. I'm exhausted just remembering last night.

This was the last concert where I would expect to see crowdsurfing, but the frontwoman of the opening band, CSS, led the way. CSS, by the way, is shorthand for Cansei de Ser Sexy, and is responsible for such songs as "Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above" and "Music is my Hot Sex." If I had known that before the show, I would've been very, very afraid. They turned out to be harmless as kittens -- sort of a younger, meaner, oversexed Go!Team.

I am convinced that Mira Aroyo is a robot, but that’s still cool.

Did I mention they were loud?

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