Shake it down!
Anyway, I heard "We're Blowing Up!" on the CBC Radio 3 podcast yesterday and got suckered in by the disco bass line. I can see why they were recently on tour with Controller.Controller (another Canadian band I like). Although whereas Controller.Controller layers a punk sensibility over their disco rhythms, The D'urbervilles are all rock 'n' roll on top.
The tracks on their NMC page show some pretty solid songwriting, but the production and performances aren't as polished as they could be. Experience should improve that, though. I just might have to head down to Sneaky Dee's on November 23, to see if touring all this year has tightened their playing since the EP was recorded.
The D'Urbervilles website
The D'Urbervilles on MySpace
The D'Urbervilles on NMC
Tess of the D'Urbervilles on Bibliomania (in case you landed on this post looking for Thomas Hardy)
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