Saturday, December 02, 2006

No, I won't sit and be quiet

Speaking of DIY bands as an excuse to have fun with your friends and impress girls, I present the Trucks as Exhibit B. Despite this Seattle quartet being all-female, I imagine several tracks off their self-titled debut will hold a special place in girls' hearts. These tracks will have you singing drunkenly with your gal pals on the dance floor while all the straight males in the vicinity look on in confusion or terror.

Their MySpace page claims, "WE ALL HAVE SWEET MOVES AND ROCK THE HOUSE!" Translation: collaborative synth-pop that's a cross between Peaches and Luscious Jackson, with a dash of Le Tigre's grrrly flair. Peaches probably inspired the raunchier lyrics, which is disconcertingly incongruous with the Trucks' girlish singing and harmonizing and catchy melodies. You will likely find yourself humming the most inappropriate tunes in the most inappropriate places. I unfortunately had the chorus of "Why The?" ("Why the f*ck won't you go down on me?") cycling through my head yesterday, which made for an entertaining day at the office.

But don't let that turn you off (or on, depending on your tastes). This is still a debut album; they haven't settled on a sound and schtick yet. Some tracks are nicely crafted alt-pop songs. Others will have you dancing in your pyjamas. And a couple will have the men in your life blushing with shame. All in all, the Trucks sound like good fun, and they're on my list of bands to see if I make it to Seattle next year.

The Trucks website
The Trucks on MySpace

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